
We dream. We have passionate ideas about what’s possible in this world. Our passions lead us to create experiences and realities that expand our world and inspire those around us.

GoPro helps people capture and share their lives’ most meaningful experiences with others—to celebrate them together. Like how a day on the mountain with friends is more meaningful than one spent alone, the sharing of our collective experiences makes our lives more fun.

The world’s most versatile cameras are what we make.

Enabling you to share your life through incredible photos and video is what we do.

This is your life...GoPro.

Nicholas Woodman

Founder and CEO

Grinding Disc: 75 mm Titanium Burrs  1500 Kg grinding disk capability before replacing 1.3 Kg Hopper Capable of grinding more than 18 Kg / Hour Micrometric Grind Adjustment LCD Display programming 3 Dosing Options, Manual Barista Mode, Shot Counter and more Portafilter Holder...
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  • SAR7998
  • SAR7999